The Gyroid Foundation's mission is increasing global knowledge about self-assembling nanostructures in the form of triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS), especially the TPMS called a gyroid.
The mission entails education, promotion and research.
The Foundation is committed to exploring the scientific implications of the gyroid and other TPMS, from quantum effects at nano scale to biological and ecological effects.

Gyroid Foundation
[Because] the crystal exists as an equilibrium system, it must be permeated by surfaces of zero stress of the entire electromagnetic field. ... [which] implies the emergence of quantum mechanics as a consequence of minimal surfaces, a necessary Pythagorean imperative that effects the bridge between geometry and arithmetic, discrete and continuum, the particle and field points of view. --S. Hyde, et al., The Language of Shape. The Role of Curvature in Condensed Matter: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 1997.

Cell membranes in living organisms such as the endoplasmic reticulum (where all proteins and lipids are synthesized) are known to have a complex three-dimensonal morphology, which corresponds to TPMS. --Paul J.F. Gandy and Jacek Klinowski, Chemical Physics Letters 321.